Thursday, November 13, 2014


1. make cd drive grappler

  • cutting the protruding edges(might need to do that after we have training for BE138)
  • add the mount to the axle
  • add the lifter
  • interfacing this grappler to the robot

2. testing stability of driving motors by timer

  • can do this on Mon(will get MCU on Sat)( the motors arrive on Mon)

3. get wheels

  • Brandon could possibly contribute what they had last year if he found it.
  • bought 3" roller blade wheels from amazon with other team

4. testing ultrasonic sensors(not doing this for now)

  • can start on Mon when it arrives
5. system block diagram
6. tape detector on breadboard
7. interface sensors to the robot by modifying Roach library

  • sonar sensor
  • bumper

obstacles to tackle:
  1. positioning perpendicular to the wall in the beginning
    • solutions: Caio's Bump Sensor strategy, Andre's Sonar  Sensor Stratgy
  2. putting the crown back to our throne
  3. figuring out the size of base and wheel
some ideas:
  1. ping pong ball casters
  2. raising the beacon detector above 11"

unessential ideas:
  1. LCD screen communicating with Arduino through UART
  2. playing theme songs
    • can try to find library that translate MIDI format to values which will be written to AD pins.

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